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XXXTentacion Net Worth 2022

XXXTentacion Net Worth 2022

Early Life and Career

Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy alias XXXTentacion was born on January 23, 1998, at Plantation, Florida. He grew up with his parents Dwayne and Mrs. Cleopatra and two younger siblings Arianna and Aiden. Onfroy has a very diverse origin, because his parents have background Egyptians, Syria and India. He went to Piper High School. However, he came out and never returned to continue his education.

Onfroy spent the initial years in Lauderhill, and he experienced a problematic childhood and was also sent to the Youth Detention Center. As soon as he reached teenagers, Onfroy began producing music, and the beginning was usually associated with Lo-Fi music and music from the 80s with Tupac Shakur as his role model.

In 2014 he released several E.P.S “The Fall” and “Ice Hotel” which also followed the same popularity as the first single. Meanwhile, Onfroy joined the “only” rap crew and recorded a few hits with them.

2016 was a turning point for him, and his music career was uphill after that. With the single “it is not enough” and “Willy Wonka is a child -killer” into a big hit and onFory experimenting with sound and genre including a mixture of indie and heavy metal music.

As soon as that, in 2017, Onfroy released the studio album debut “17”, however, he had released several singles from the X project such as “Bad Vibes” and “I Need Jesus.” This album is sold in 500,000 copies throughout the U.S.

In 2018, the album “?” Released and also a big hit, especially songs “Sad!”, “Change” and “Moonlight.” In the same year, he won an award for a favorite Soul/RNB album by the American Music Awards. In the same year, the hit single “Look at Me” has reached the top graph and became the 2nd song on the US Billboard 200.

Onfroy also collaborates with various artists. Some artists such as Matt Ox, Travis Barker, and Kanye West made the appearance of guests on his last album Skins which was released by Anesthetic by bad vibrations forever.

Life and Personal Death

XXXTentacion has lived an extreme and problematic life, and he is often involved in controversy such as robbery, attacking, physical harassment, etc. Among the police records, he has many scandals with his girlfriend who reported how he harassed them, and one of them was pregnant with him. Unfortunately, Onfroy never met his child because he died a year before he was born.

Onfroy lives the life of a music star. However, he always managed to turn to music and live an artistic life despite the fact that he was a problematic person. He has several charges and is in prison several times during his relatively short music career, and his life. Onfroy accusations usually regarding weapons, robbery, attacks, invasion, and threats to their former women.

However, it was later confirmed that he had mental health problems and that he struggled with depression and loneliness, which he often transmitted into music, and some of the songs were acceptable. Also, Onfrey stated how Kurt Cobain was his main inspiration, which could be understood because Kurt suffered from severe depression, which ended in suicide.

Unfortunately, XXXTentacion’s short life ended on June 18, 2018, because some of the shots he received from two armed men in the ambush planned for him. The scene occurred at Riva Motorsports in Deerfield Beach in Florida, when Onfroy left parking. Two armed men approached the SUV and surrounded the car, and immediately after that, they began to shoot, which resulted in Onfroy’s death.

Armed men take from a small Louis Vuitton Bag vehicle, which contains $ 50,000. Soon after, Onfroy was taken to the nearest hospital where doctors could only confirm the time of his death.

The funeral took place at the BB & T Center in Sunrise, Florida. It was a big ceremony, and most of his friends and musicians came to respect him, including Rapper Lil Yachty, and singer Erykah Badu.

XXXTentacion has left a significant sign of music, and his songs are played, and he is still quite popular among different young groups today. The Skins album, which was released by Anumerta, has achieved a very large popularity as well. Also, on the commemoration of his death on June 19, 2019, the official documentary about his life was released and can be seen and downloaded online.

XXXTentacion NET WORTH 2022

XXXTentacion lives a short life. However, he succeeded in the music industry and building a name that is worth remembering. Therefore, Onfroy gets a lot of money. While the singles are the first on the U.S. charts, and the records are sold throughout the country, his income grew. As follows, it is estimated that its net worth is $ 2 million.

Sadly, with his past death, he left his fame and wealth to his family and fans, and he would continue to live through his son, Gekyume Onfry.


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