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4 Movies with the Best CGI Effects

4 Movies with the Best CGI Effects

Everybody loves to settle down with a good movie. When an intriguing story is mixed with some amazing action-packed sequences, even better. To get these stunningly visual effects, Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) was introduced. The first movie producer to use CGI never could have dreamed that it would be used the way it is today. 

CGI goes as far back as the early 1970s but there is no comparison to the computer-generated sequences we see in movies today. There are hundreds of movies that have used CGI to create some crazy visual effects, but the following four are by far the most impressive.

The Matrix Franchise

Easily one of the most popular franchises, The Matrix series started in 1999 to bring something to the big screen that not many people had ever seen before. Many consider the series to be a cult classic due to the era it was created in. The impressive fight scenes are so fast-moving with the protagonist dodging bullets every which way that your heart races every second. 

The CGI effects were created by re-projecting photos of buildings and other surroundings onto CGI models and smart algorithms. Essentially the birth of visual cinematography, The Matrix movies needed hundreds of specialists with high-powered computers and 3D rendering software to create the realistic scenes we know today. 


Another one for the favorite’s list, Interstellar made over $900 million. Anyone who has seen it will agree that it is one of the greatest and most visually beautiful movie productions to date. Discovering black holes and other dimensions, the visual effects team earned a well-deserved Oscar.

Interestingly, Interstellar was made using very very few graphics enhancing devices or CGI, except for the black hole scene. It was made entirely with computers and high-end graphics cards. With enough time, anyone could create similar visual effects using components comparable to some of these Lenovo intel graphics card sets. The picture may not be as astounding to look at, but it will be pretty close.

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Mostly popular for those that grew up in the 90s, the Lord of the Rings trilogy was first introduced as a book. The films did so much better in the entertainment industry that they sparked The Hobbit series. Everyone was utterly captured by the effects of 3D motion animation. Particularly, the scenes with the hobbits and Gandalf. Forced perspective was used to make one character look like a giant while the others were of much smaller stature. Due to all the intriguing and mythical characters that needed to be created; CGI was used for the majority of the films.


No CGI effects list would be complete without this massively popular movie. In the first week of its premiere, Avatar made more in box office revenue than Titanic has ever made. You just have to watch the floating mountain scene to know how much CGI work VFX studios put in to create this detailed and creative sci-fi flick. Some even say that Avatar changed the future of CGI and cinematography for the better.

The movie industry has come a long way in entertainment using CGI technology. For anyone that wants to watch something with colorful backdrops that are pleasing to the eye, these four classics should be on the top of the list.

Roger Clemens

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