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Difference Between Food Hygiene & Food Safety

Difference Between Food Hygiene & Food Safety

There are a lot of misunderstandings about the difference between food hygiene and food safety. Most of the public is generally aware of the first but not the latter. Hygiene refers to the cleanliness of a food preparation area, while food safety pertains to the safety of the food itself. It is important that both terms are used interchangeably, but when it comes to actual food preparation, food hygiene takes precedence over food safety. The following are some facts that you should know when it comes to hygiene and safety.

The basic difference between the two is actually that food preparation involves more than just washing your hands before touching raw food. This is because in the food preparation process, you are dealing with bacteria, enzymes and other microorganisms that can cause serious illness if prepared wrong. The same goes for drinking water, as this too can be contaminated by bacteria and other microorganisms. Hygiene in the food preparation area focuses on preventing contamination from these organisms so that you don’t end up getting sick.

Food hygiene & food safety are however different. Food hygiene simply refers to the quality of the procedures followed during food preparation and cleaning before food is served to the public. While food safety deals with the safety of the food itself. Both of these terms are interrelated, yet there is great difference between them when it comes to actual practice.

There are many ways in which food hygiene & food safety differ. For instance, in the food industry, there is a need to follow hygiene & food safety regulations depending on where the food is being prepared and how it is being prepared. Food hygiene is more focused towards eliminating food poisoning and other harmful bacteria before it even reaches consumers. Food safety is more about preventive methods such as proper storage and handling. Both of these concepts can help to prevent the development of food poisoning and other food-borne diseases.

There are several companies throughout the food industry that have food hygiene & food safety programs. These companies hire trained staff members to inspect all aspects of the food preparation process and then provide training to their customers. Companies will also train their employees according to the regulations set by the government and other regulatory agencies. This way, all employees and consumers are able to enjoy a well-mannered food preparation environment at all times.

The food hygiene & food safety industry is a growing industry. There are many different businesses that are starting to grow in this field. People who work in this industry have a variety of career options. They can work in restaurants, hotels, caterers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and others. There is a great deal of competition in this industry, but if you have the right training and knowledge then you could find steady employment in this industry.


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